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Activities at the Academy including debate team, National Honor Society, the annual ICJA Takes the Stage and student council present leadership opportunities while providing students with a forum to develop their talents and interests. Despite the Academy’s small student body, students have endless extracurricular opportunities. Try out for the school play, pick up an instrument for the first time in band or join the softball team with little or no experience. Those who don’t find the club that suits their needs, create their own.

Charlotte’s Web Literary Magazine

Mrs. Marsha Arons, advisor

Charlotte’s Web, Ida Crown’s acclaimed literary magazine, displays students’ writing and artistic talents. The club welcomes literary and art submissions from all students and then edits these submissions to later be compiled into a magazine.

Erika’s Lighthouse

Doc Phil advisor

ICJA’s Erika’s Lighthouse Mental Health Awareness Club, exists to promote a school culture that is positive, inclusive and empathetic on issues surrounding mental health. We accomplish this through providing access to accurate information, crafting meaningful school programs and partnering with the broader Chicago Jewish and mental health communities.

Hugo’s Heroes – Chicago Aces

Mrs. Chavee Gottlieb, advisor

Hugo’s Heroes is a world-wide movement to certify students in CPR and First Aid, as well as to train teens to act as student first responders. Team members develop protocols to proactively keep people safe at school and manage patient needs in the event of a crisis until help can arrive. Once certified, students will meet on a monthly basis for continuing education courses, to practice their skills and learn from various healthcare professionals in the community. Ida Crown’s chapter of Hugo’s Heroes- Chicago Aces is the first team in the Midwest and is acting as a model for other schools in the area.

National Honor Society

Mrs. Alise Gold, advisor

This club is open to all students demonstrating good middot, with a GPA of 3.75 or higher and at least 20 service points.

JUMP (Jewish Unity Mentoring Program)

Mrs. Alissa Zeffren, advisor

JUMP (Jewish Unity Mentoring Program) is the NCSY National Leadership Program that trains and empowers high school students from all over the United States to become leaders. Participants are given the tools and training to make positive changes in their schools and communities, while broadening their understanding of local and global issues facing the Jewish people today.

Keshet Peer Buddies

Keshet Peer Buddies gives students the opportunity to spend time with Keshet students. You will be able to form meaningful connections through activities, lunches, and more!


Mrs. Stephanie Pederson, advisor

Calling all math whizzes! The mathletes team is a club that attends math competitions every few weeks. The competitions have students complete math problems for fun and are either hosted by Ida Crown or by other schools.


Rabbi Mayer Simcha Stromer, advisor

Looking for some Torah lishma? Join the ICJA mechanchim for Monday and Thursday night mishmar! Learn interesting Torah topics and enjoy Rabbi Oren’s famous cholent!

Model UN Program

Mr. Josh Cooper, advisor

If you enjoy debate and problem solving, Model UN is just the right place for you. Each year, Ida Crown’s Model UN team participates in YUNMUN, Yeshiva University’s National United Nations conference. As a delegate, you will perform extensive research on different issues that you will use to debate with at YUNMUN. The team meets every week to prepare for the conference.

National Honor Society Torah Chapter

Mr. Phil Zbaraz, advisorClick here to find out more.

Recognized for their leadership qualities, service to the school, academic accomplishments and derech eretz, the National Honor Society represents Ida Crown’s finest.


Mr. Ben Kramer, advisor

Anyone who enjoys writing will love Newspaper! The Crown Prints keeps the student body updated on school events and current issues that pertain to high schoolers.

Peer Tutoring

Mr. Phil Zbaraz, advisor

Each year the ICJA Seniors, who are members of the Senior Leader Program and who also qualify for the National Honor Society – Torah Chapter, provide Peer Tutoring.  The process is quite easy to initiate….all a student has to do is obtain a Request Form from the Social Services Department which when completed, will be paired with a Peer Tutor.  If a student has any questions or concerns about the Program, they are encouraged to speak with Mr. Phil Zbaraz (doc Phil), the Director of Student Social Services.

Ida Crown Boys’ Club (ICBC)

Rabbi Mayer Simcha Stromer and Rabbi Menachem Rosenbaum, advisors

Ida Crown Boys’ Club (ICBC) runs monthly events combining learning and fun: previous activities have included Cubs Games, laser tag, tailgating at ICJA baseball games, and bowling parties. ICBC also holds an annual boys’ Shabbaton.

School Retreats

Mrs. Alissa Zeffren, advisor

Senior Leaders

Mr. Phil Zbaraz, advisor

A program of a select group of ICJA Seniors whose primary mission is to offer mentorship, support and friendship to ICJA underclassmen.  One of the more important functions of this Group is to play an integral part of Freshmen Orientation.  Membership in this group is decided by meeting a specific set of criteria guidelines.

Service Points Committee

Mrs. Marlene Wasserstrom, advisor

Ida Crown Girls’ Club (ICGC)

Mrs. Alise Gold and Mrs. Lynn Kraft, advisors

Ida Crown Girls’ Club (ICGC) runs myriad events, from monthly learning sessions, Rosh Chodesh chaburot, chagigot, weekly Babka and Bubbies in which girls bake sweet treats and deliver them to Park Plaza erev Shabbat, and an annual Shabbaton.

Student Activities

Mrs. Alissa Zeffren, advisor

The Student Activities student board meets with the faculty advisors throughout the school year to help plan meaningful programming such as the all-school retreat, chesed programming, shabbatonim and “Fridaytonim,” and holiday programming including Yom Haatzmaut

Student Council

Mr. Josh Copper, advisor

If you are a leader, Student Council is the perfect club for you. Student Council is a committee of students elected by their peers to lead the school in events and activities. In previous years, Student Council has been known to plan the annual pep rally and create some ICJA swag.

Student to Student

Mrs. Alissa Zeffren, advisor

Student to Student brings Jews from all different backgrounds together to educate students in public schools. If you are part of student to student, you will present on topics such as Shabbos, Kashrut, and the Holocaust. The club’s main goal is to break down the barriers that surround Judaism.

YBLOT (Young Business Leaders of Tomorrow)

Mr. Joshua Cooper, advisor

If you’re interested in business, YBLOT (Young Business Leaders of Tomorrow) is the club for you. YBLOT focuses on strategies for effective business management and general information regarding business as a career path.


Mrs. Heather Hobbie, Advisor

Each year, the Yearbook team compiles a beautiful book to remember the year. The yearbook includes an insight into student life at Ida Crown as well as memories throughout the year. Yearbook meets every week. Email ads or questions to

Yom Ha’Atzmaut

Mrs. Alyssa Zeffren, advisor

Yom HaZikaron Committee

Mrs. Alissa Zeffren, advisor

YU Torah Mitzion Kollel

Rabbi Reuven Brand, advisor

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